About this time
of year movie lovers across the nation start filling out their Oscar ballots.
There are 24 categories and in the case of those not at the ceremony, the one with the most right answers wins. The
prize may be money, a replica statuette, a makeshift trophy, or just notoriety.
There is no good mathematical formula to follow when filling out your ballot,
but there are a few rules based on winners from years past. A movie that
depicts any part or notion of the Holocaust will generally win in at least one category, especially in
the documentary category (Schindler’s List and Anne Frank Remembered) . An
actor or actress generally gets more attention for playing the opposite gender,
a struggling homosexual, a character at war or in a war-torn society, or a famed historical figure (Boys Don’t Cry,
Milk, The Hurt Locker, The King’s Speech). The Academy generally favors long
biographical tales or a movie that celebrates a new feat in filmmaking (The Queen and Avatar)
or revisits a lost art (The Artist).
I generally weigh
all of my rules and then select carefully. While there have been some movies
that have run away with numerous awards, the Academy generally spreads the honors.
The most Academy Awards to go to a film is 11 and three movies are in the
record books for that feat: Ben-Hur (1959), Titanic (1997), The Lord of
the Rings: The Return of the King (2003). LOTR has the largest sweep ever
winning all 11 categories it was nominated for and that happened ten years ago.
So, most likely a single film will not run amok at the awards ceremony this
Every year I try
to see as many of the nominated movies as possible so I can make an educated
decision on my predictions. I love movies and seeing new stories unfold before
me, so it is not a chore to watch so many movies. This year I have made my best
effort yet. So far, I have seen eight of the nine films nominated for Best
Picture. In total, there are only a handful of nominated movies that I have not
seen. I will make my educated guesses and put them on display here on my blog.
Keep an eye out for my picks and my reviews.
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