There are several categories for the Academy Awards that still puzzle
me. After all of the research I have done I still have not been able to come up
with a clear explanation of the categories of Best Editing, Best Sound Editing,
Best Sound Mixing, and Best Visual Effects. Furthermore, some of these
categories seem so closely linked I cannot differentiate them. The best
explanations I have come across says Best Sound Editing goes to a film that has
the best or most artistic sound editing or design. Best Sound Mixing is an
award that recognizes the most ear pleasing sound mixing or recording in a
movie. I have a vague idea on how to judge these categories for myself, but I
cannot explain this to others. Best Visual Effects and Best Editing are not
categories that overlap with others, however it is still difficult to define
the efforts, which lead to success in such categories.
That being said, I will venture my predictions in these four categories.
Starting out with what could be the easiest of the categories to predict, I
believe Best Editing will go to Argo. Visual Effects will likely go to The
Avengers, even though I didn’t see all movies in this category so this is more
of a guess (I did not and will not see Prometheus). We’re now onto the more
difficult categories. For Sound Editing I pick Skyfall and for Sound Mixing I
will go with Les Misérables. I should probably qualify these picks by saying I
frequently guess wrong in these categories.
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